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How To Store Herbs

How to store your herbs at home.

Herb storage

Ah, herbs—the aromatic treasures of nature, beloved by herbalists and kitchen wizards alike. Whether you're a seasoned herbal enthusiast or just dipping your toes into the world of botanical wonders, one thing's for sure: knowing how to store your herbs properly is essential for preserving their freshness and potency.

Where to Store Herbs

First things first, let's talk about preserving the freshness of your precious herbs. The key here is to keep them away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can degrade the potency of herbs over time, so it's best to store them in a cool, dark place. Consider placing them in a cupboard with doors or in a corner of the room away from windows. If you're lacking a dark spot, no worries! You can simply cover the jars with a cloth or wrap them with paper to shield them from the light.

Choosing the Right Containers

Now, onto the containers. Personally, I'm a fan of mason jars—they're not only practical but also add a rustic charm to your herb collection. However, tin jars or other airtight glass containers work just as well. The key is to ensure that the jars can be sealed tightly to keep air and moisture out. If you opt for glass jars, consider choosing ones with amber-coloured glass to further protect your herbs from sunlight exposure.

"Herbs are the bridge between nature and healing."

Don't Forget the Labels

Ah, labels—the unsung heroes of herb storage! It's essential to label your herb jars so you can easily identify what's inside. Sure, you might be able to recognize most of your dried herbs, but let's face it—we can't know them all. So, what should you include on the label? Start with the name of the herb, and don't forget to add the Latin name for good measure. Next, jot down the date you acquired the herbs. Most herbs have a shelf life of about one year, so this helps you keep track of their freshness. Whether you prefer handwritten labels or printed stickers, the choice is yours—just go with whatever feels right for you!

So there you have it—your guide to storing herbs like a pro! Keep them cool, keep them dark, and don't forget to label them. Happy herb storing!

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